
ramblings from the past week

It's been a busy past several days! And since I now have a free afternoon, and and am not quite ready yet to commence my women in TV homework, I am going to proceed with a play by play of the major events that have occurred in my life since the last post.

My midterm went well on Wednesday, and I actually got a decent amount of sleep that night! Thursday, Amber and Vern and I headed home for Mrs. Molstad's funeral. It was quite a fun car ride, and the three of us girls got all caught up, since we've been so busy this semester. But funny story. An hour and a half after leaving Manhattan, Vern turned to Amber and I and asked, "guys, did I pack my dress clothes? on a hanger..." We all looked at each other, perplexed. What to do! After much deliberation, we decided to stop at The Mall in Hays and use the remaining 30 minutes of it being open in order to scavenge a sweet deal on a dress shirt for Vern. A swimsuit, an on-sale dress shirt, and a fun almost-stripped-off-the-mannequin undershirt later, we triumphantly emerged from The Mall as they began locking up. The rest of the trip home was quite uneventful. Amber konked out, and I allowed Vern to play country music in my car (and trust me Vern, that is a BIG privilege you have!)

Friday, the funeral was really good, and then I went back home and crashed on my bed for a good two hours, before shopping with the family, hitting the world's smallest, and most ghetto Wal-Mart in the entire world, then Montana Mike's. I'd like to interject here that medium rare steak is amazing, and even more breathtaking when you haven't had steak, or more specifically, any beef besides hamburger, for eons. After my family stuffed ourselves and made polite conversation with the brother of a kid who used to be on my dad's soccer team and now runs cross country with the older of my two adorable little brothers, we made the relatively short journey back home, and I once again crashed, this time on the loveseat with a nice, new, fuzzy, $5 DG pillow that my mom recently acquired for the front room. After some quality relaxation and a fun phone chat with Ian, I took my brother over to Brett's for his birthday thingumy, where I got to catch up with all the fabulous hometown friends that I miss so dearly.

Saturday morning, I got to be a wake up call, and then, after indulging in my mom's scones for breakfast, got to work on the wonderful form known as FAFSA (with my dad's assistance, of course, as I needed his tax info), then once again stuffed myself on my mom's amazing macaroni casserole, before heading out to pick up everyone to head back to Manhattan (us three girls plus Amanda) and once again it was definitely a fun time, random discussions are always great, and I feel we really bonded. Near death experiences have a way of doing that, I believe. And no, it wasn't my driving. It was a creepy 50-something bearded guy in a jeep from Iowa that was driving at least 90, and not only was he traveling at a high velocity, but also passing on the right, squeezing into tiny spaces, cutting people off, and just generally being a horrid driver. Speaking on behalf of all those riding in my car, it is our sincere wish that the creepy guy is severely punished for his heinous actions. After dropping everyone off, eating, and doing the past month's bookkeeping, finishing FAFSA, and my taxes, and doing French homework, Ian and I watched the Notebook. Yes I did cry again, no Ian did not tear, but we both thoroughly enjoyed the movie!

Sunday was fun... cold, yes, wet, yes, but I got to be a bulletin-hander-outer-person at church which was fun, and then Ian and Megan and I had a fabulous time in Kramer over lunch, which was followed by the realization that for the first time in my entire life, I locked my car keys in my car. Ian was nice enough to drive us to the dorm to get my spares, and then back to my car, and then parking in front of West, where Megan successfully communicated with one of the local monstrously large crows, and after the entire fiasco, I changed into some comfy clothes and settled down on my floor for a nice 3 hour frenching session (french homework, that is), followed by dinner at Mr. Goodcents. They don't like me there, I've decided. They lost my order, just like the last time I ate there, when my meal was also very late. At least they gave us a coupon for free food this time! The rest of my evening consisted of attempting to assist Ian with his really tough physics homework (which I still do not comprehend), catching a couple awards on the Oscars, hanging out with Vern, and assisting Britni with her massive pile of paper writing/journaling, topped off with my very interesting reading on slang for development of English language. Did you know that in Australia, they call a bra a sheep dog because it "rounds 'em up and keeps 'em together" If you didn't, you do now... *ahhh* the vital things they teach you at university.

That brings you up to date to today, which has just consisted of walking to classes in the biting cold, and sitting through classes, including Earth in Action, where I got the lovely thought of a sweet little bunny as part of the material in a mass wasting ("movement of regolith or rock down a slope by gravity without the help of streams, glaciers or wind"... essentially anything like a mud slide, or rock fall, and all that fun stuff) To entertain myself, I envisioned this bunny tumbling around in a mudslide, along with other various unconsolidated material. It goes nicely with our prof's quote on lithification: "where little animals turn into oil!" And now that I have entirely bored you, perhaps assisting you in getting a much-needed nap, I will conclude by saying that T's new webblog is awesome, and hilarious, and he makes me SICK, and makes mine look bad... and I can't wait for spring break and LA! Now, it's time to do homework, or maybe the crossword, or better yet a nap, or maybe all three squeezed into the afternoon. Irregardless, I'm done writing, and I hope you all have a fabulous day!



Wow, its been a long day and its only 5:30! Went to bed a bit later last night, between Java and homework, and then I had the wonderful privilege of getting up to be at work by 8 for Fiddler on the Roof load in... only to find out that their tour bus broke down and they wouldn't be there until 9:30, so my boss said just come in at 12, after my classes, and I went to bluemont and did the crossword for an hour (by the way, if you know an 8 letter word that would fit the clue 'sweetheart' and has the letters _ _ _ _ G _ _ D, assuming the other words are right, let me know!), before going to class, then back to McCain, which was fun, and interesting... getting the mics ready was an unforgettable experience, and you can ask me about it, but I feel it is entirely too awkward to type out for the world to see... its just a little, umm... odd. And now I get to eat, then sleep until I go back to work for load out at 11, probably until 2! Yay for naps!


my does time fly!

Its Tuesday already, its insane! The weekend went by so incredibly fast... Friday I worked all day... well, class, then work, then nap, then back to work at 11 for load out... Saturday was the heartbreaking men's basketball game, along with getting Lindsey's birthday stuff together (watched the Notebook while decorating with Brit, and its a DANG GOOD movie, fyi!) Then church on Sunday, followed by dinner with Lindsey's family, and checking out the house with them. It's exciting though, because her mom okayed the house, with stipulations that we get it spiffed up a bit, which is definitely doable. Yay for house and yay for fun awesome neighbors! And Monday was packed full of classes, homework, and hanging out with Ian, as it was our six month yesterday! :D And today I get to look forward to studying, and more studying, oh, and more studying, for my development of the english language midterm tomorrow, and I found out I get to have the entire chapter 14 workbook section for french done by Thursday. *heavy sigh* Oh well, I'll manage somehow! hope y'all are having a wonderful day!


*singing* it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood...

Wow is the weather gorgeous today... okay, so its in the 50's, but compared to before, its nice, and sunny, and all that good stuff. And I'm done with my women in TV test... its all turned in, an hour early, might I add! Go me! Now I've just got normal homework, my development of the English language midterm to study for, and working probably all day tomorrow at fabulous McCain for Fiddler on the Roof! Yay for money! lol... college students always can use it! Today's actually been pretty relaxing though, slept in, went to class, lunch with my amazing boyfriend, and then running around town with him to find a place to make a copy for his project, and him singing the scary "The Polyphonic Spree" song to me... so if Ian joins some crazy cult, that's why... he'll have been brainwashed! Well, its back to homework, then bible study dinner, and cru, and maybe hanging out, and then bed early, since I'll be working at 8 in the a.m. whoohoo! Oh, one more thing... check out


its really fun to watch all the tourists *evil laugh* :D


Valentines, Houses and Tests

Yesterday was the most fantabulous Valentine's day of my life! Perfect weather... seeing everyone while delivering Valentines... and I have the absolutely most thoughtful, sweet, romantic boyfriend EVER, and I love him very much!!!! And I have a new appreciation for conversation hearts... :D

And Brit and Linds and I have a house! We'll be signing the lease sometime soon! It's not much to look at on the outside, but its really fun on the inside! Plus, we have a screened in porch, a huge kitchen, and Lindsey has a fun entire-upstairs-but-tall-people-will-severely-hurt-themselves-while-up-there room. On top of that, we're going to have absolutely fabulous, fun neighbors! Yay for Cory and Dave and Bret! And they have a fun saloon bathroom and midget doors in their PINK house! hehe!

On the down side, I didn't do so hot on my tests, and I've still got more coming up. School is irritating, et je deteste les examens francais. Ils sont stupides. *sigh* Oh well, can't do much about it now. But FYI, extraordinarily long French tests are things to be avoided, especially when there's a huge section on deciding between passe compose and imparfait verb tenses.



Il neige dans Manhattan! L'universite est tres beau, mais j'ai froid quand je me promene a mes classes. *Translation* It is snowing in Manhattan! The university is very beautiful, but I'm cold when I walk to my classes. I thought I'd practice since I've got a french test, and a french oral exam coming up within a week, along with my earth in action test, and my development of english language presentation on Othello (which, funnily enough, is on Valentine's Day... I get to discuss a famous, tragic story of jealousy on the national holiday devoted to love... go figure.) So on top of my homework and studying, I also get to drive today in this wintery weather, as I'm volunteering for Telefund.... hopefully it'll be interesting! pray that I don't wreck!


Norma Jean concert!

The concert was absolutely amazing and so much fun, and Norma Jean rocks my face off! Moire and Flattery Leads to Ruin weren’t too shabby, either. And I found out that I can scream... new talents are always fun! No near death experiences either (thanks to Ian :D), which is good, and Megan is still alive despite her concerns over her neck popping incident when a guy landed on her, which is also a bonus!

And school isn’t keeping me as busy as last semester (maybe its because I no longer have a class that requires a 60 page reading every other day and extraordinarily time consuming book reviews), which is nice, because I can actually do things like go to the upcoming KU game without thinking *I’ll be up til 5 getting my homework done because of this* Ahhh, gotta love school!